Did You Know?



The Second coming of Jesus is the second most talked about subject in the bible? The first most talked about subject is salvation.

The fact is that Jesus is returning soon and the Hour is far too late to gamble with your soul!

The question is are you ready? So what does it mean to be ready?

The bible says We must be born again and we must Follow Christ!

We all know life can be tough, but there's hope. 

Hope has a name and that name is Jesus. 

If you will only say yes to Jesus you will never be the same.

Click Below to Learn More.


They all Jesus

"I feel so deeply in my Spirit His soon Return!"

- Bryan G

"Jesus changed my life in such a beautiful way!"

- Sue M

"Say Yes and Be Blessed."

- Harold Z

"He will never leave you!"

- Laura Petracio

Gospel Of Action


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